Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 5....a postscript

Thanks to our blogmasters I was finally able to capture the widget for my virtual library shelf at LibraryThing.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Week 5 - Things 10, 11, & 12

Show and tell for Week 5. After investigating several image generator websites I created a stamp (you'll need an additional 2 cent stamp for postage) and a motivational poster. After creating my online catalog at LibraryThing, I discovered that, yes, there were others who enjoyed the three Brit authors that I have included on my virtual shelf....and each one probably has an AARP card. I also created a LibraryThing widget for this blog and joined a group. On to Rollyo where I have listed several websites that provide business data from national to local data. The following is the link to these websites: