Hannah before Library 2.0....
I essentially found myself in a technology box that was created by the needs of my work. I worked comfortably with Word and Excel and was able to create PowerPoint presentations. The requests of Information Services Department patrons and KnowItNow patrons meant honing research skills from a wide variety of electronic sources. The technology skills that I acquired at the Library spilled over into my personal and volunteer lives, and I only occasionally ventured into new territory. Perhaps it was a lack of curiosity; it also was a lack of time. And then comes Library 2.0.
Hannah after Library 2.0...
Library 2.0 introduced me to new aspects of the world of technology and the Internet. What will change?
· I know that I’ll visit my Bloglines account for the RSS and podcasts links that I’ve selected.
· I use and value Del.icio.us.com, because it seamlessly allows me to save and tag important websites.
· I look forward to using NetLibrary’s audio offerings.
· Will I become a frequent visitor to You.tube? Don’t think so....curious, but too little time to explore. Will continue to use Flickr.
· Blogs and wikis? I’ll continue to add them to Del.icio.us.com, collecting them through general searches on topics of interest.
Library 2.0 also has impacted my work as a librarian. It has certainly opened new avenues for research, and I hope that the presence of the Business and Investment Center on the library’s homepage will in the future include a blog for this collection. I hope that the future will also see a wiki for PLYMC staff. We rarely have the opportunity to communicate with each other, and I see a wiki as a means for adding to our professional growth.
There is enough time to go beyond Thing 23 and I plan to do just that. In the meantime it’s good to say, "Mission accomplished."
Congratulations on finishing!
Great job finishing 23 Things.
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